Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Don't Be Too Hard on Yourself!!

We're all human, and even the best of us (don't look at me!!!) slide off the wagon once in awhile ... even with SMALL changes!!!

So if you've taken a "sabbatical" from some of the earlier changes that you were trying to implement into your life ... or if you didn't get anything new posted on your blog for over TWO WEEKS, like me! ... it's ok .... just get back up and start again. That's what life's all about!

Thanks for being here and now!

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing.
Abraham Lincoln

Friday, April 3, 2009


If you are journaling every day, you may notice when your emotions, or your life in general, swing too far from the middle. Try to keep everything "in moderation" ... don't let yourself be dragged down by too much negative news, or become too out of touch by refusing to watch news at all!

For me, at least, it seems like the negative is the way I tend to "swing", so I try to keep a bookshelf of uplifting books and a list of websites I love and TV shows that make me happy. If I find myself sinking into the mire, I spend an evening tipping the scales in the other direction. Try it!

Thanks for being here and now!

Neither too high nor too low is the way to go
Keep your life in balance