Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Go Simple!

Simplifying our lives seems to be the hot topic right now. I'm seeing articles and TV shows about it everywhere ... even Oprah had a show about Simplifying Your Life this week ... although I must admit I have a little trouble listening to Oprah tell us about packing her own lunch every morning "to save $7" or "saving toast" that she doesn't eat one day and retoasting it the next morning!!

But getting rid of the "stuff" will indeed make you feel more alive and more connected to the earth. How many pairs of shoes does one woman need, after all? And in this time of recession, now is a great time to sell those unused or unwanted items on ebay, at a garage sale, or to a consignment store. That was one thing I mentioned in a recent article I wrote for Associated Content ... taking an "asset audit" of our homes and cleaning out the unnecessary clutter.

This week, start looking for ways to clear out the clutter in your home and your life.

Didn't need it when I bought it,
And sure don't need it now!
I'll clean the clutter from my space,
And add serenity in its place

Thanks for being here and now.

1 comment:

  1. LOL..I was taken back a bit by Oprah's packing her lunch statement too. As if she is really going to feel the crunch as bad as the rest of us.

    I love your article because it talks to me about clutter..I do love simple. And, I am inspired to work at that today..thanks!
