Monday, February 16, 2009

Ready, Set, Go!

Have you got that list completed of things you would do if you had more time? Are they sorted by how much time they will take to accomplish? There are several ways to do the list, depending on how you want to spend all that extra time:

a little bit each day:
1. Organize photos - 10 minutes a day for 30 days
dig in and don't stop 'til it's done!
1. Organize photos - 1 hour a day for 6 days

Now we start making that extra time! Do whatever feels comfortable to you. When I started doing this, I would SET my alarm clock back ONE MINUTE each day. Sounds "wussy", I admit, but it worked for me! Keep going back one minute each day until you decide you've gained all the extra time you need to start making some headway on that to do list. For me, it was 1 hour. That's 5 extra hours a week (yeah, you should do it on weekends, too ... I'm still working on that one!) ... 20 extra hours a month ... 1000 extra hours a year!!!! 1000 extra hours!!! That's 42 days!!!!


Start working off that to-do list!

Thanks for being here and now.

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